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日期:2015-09-10       点击数:        来源:


本课程本学期邀请两位法国著名教授讲授(英文),分别为Prof. Pierre Fauchais (University of Limoges)与Prof. Christian Coddet (UTBM)。Prof.Fauchais将讲授等离子喷涂基础,Prof.Coddet讲授基于材料累加的增材制造技术(3D打印技术),欢迎同学选课听讲。本课程由李长久教授负责。课程采用集中上课方式,其中前半部分,Prof.Fauchais授课(7次)日程安排如下表,可提供课件ppt。

Schedule of lectures by Professor 见附件


Introduction to Prof. Fauchais:

Pierre Fauchais is professor emeritus at European Center of Ceramic (CEC), University of Limoges, France. He got at the University of Poitiers, France his Diploma both in Engineering: Aeronautics and related Thermal Problems (1961) and in Physics (1961), his PhD in Mechanics and Aeronautics (1963) and his State Thesis in Physics (1968). From 1961 to 1968 he was Researcher at National Research Centre (CNRS) at ENSMA Poitiers and in 1968 became Assistant Professor at the University of Limoges, then: Full Professor in 1973 and Exceptional Professor in 1988.

From 1961 to 1968 he was Researcher at National Research Centre (CNRS) at ENSMA Poitiers and in 1968 became Assistant Professor at the University of Limoges, then: Full Professor in 1973 and Exceptional Professor in 1988.

His work was devoted to thermodynamic and transport properties of thermal plasmas, arc technology including direct current plasma torches and transferred arcs at power levels between a few tens kW and a few MW, plasma diagnostics (temperatures and velocities) , sensors for particles in flight and at impact (laser anemometry, fast pyrometers (50 ns), imaging…., plasma spraying, production of finely or nano-structured coatings.

He has been co-founder and co-director of the Limoges University-CNRS laboratory Ceramics and Surface Treatments from 1974 to 1986 and then has been responsible of the team Surface Treatment of this laboratory (about 20 researchers) up to his retirement in 2005.

He has published about 430 papers in international peer reviewed journals, 6 book chapters, 2 books, 250 peer reviewed international conference papers, 400 international conference papers, 8 patents. Actually his impact factor is 40. He has given 54 plenary lectures and 76 topical lectures at international meetings, 150 seminar and colloquium lectures at universities and other institutions.

He has received the ASM - TSS Hall of Fame in 1998, the Plasma Chemistry Society award in 2001, 34 best paper awards, he is fellow ASM since 2002. He has directed or codirected 92 PhD thesis and 15 State thesis or equivalent (HDR). Besides regular teaching, he has given and organized more than 50 continuing education short courses (3 to 5 days) in conjunction with International conferences and 38 specialized courses adapted to company needs.

He has been the president of the University of Limoges from 1972 to 1977 and the chairman, from 1991 to 2003 of the French national committee for the promotion of professors and assistant professors in the fields of process engineering and thermodynamic.


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